08/13/2014 On My Soapbox

It may surprise some of you to hear this, but I’m not a people person. I don't like being approached by people I don't know. God forbid they should enter my personal space or attempt to touch me. I've been told my non-verbal communication skills are outstanding. Sadly, most humans these days lack the ability to read non-verbal cues. I know I'm not alone in my stand-offish attitude. There are many people like me. My question is; why is it okay for me to be that way, but not my dog? Why is it assumed by a great portion of the general populace that all dogs are friendly? Some dogs are. Take Quinn, for example. Someone he doesn't know can surprise him by appearing out of seeming nowhere, throw their arms around his neck, hug him tightly, and then belatedly ask if it's okay to pet my dog, and he won't