Jig’s Journey ~ 2015 ASCA Nationals Part 2

First, a huge thank you to everyone for the well-wishes, kind thoughts, and memories about Quinn. Today was better than yesterday, but going home is going to be the hard part, I think.

In any event, today was another day off for us. Our Open runs will all be tomorrow, and if we get done at a decent time, we’ll be loading up and hitting the road to get at least half the trip home under our belts. We spent the day split between watching the Advanced cattle runs and standing in line to give Jig a chance to try dock diving. Since the girl is so crazy about retrieving, even when it involves braving the cold and crashing waves of Lake Michigan, I thought I’d see what she thinks about diving off a dock to retrieve her dummy. And no, I’m not the dummy.

The dogs who haven’t jumped off a dock are started by going down a ramp into the pool. If they don’t show any hesitation and will actually jump into the water as opposed to wading in, they get to go off the dock. Jig passed both those tests, and once the gal instructed me on how to toss the dummy so Jig would leap up and out, we moved up onto the dock. Gail held Jig and I tossed.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUsrBJPQFSs&w=420&h=315]

Her first jump was with only about a five foot run. She never batted an eye, just launched herself out into space and splashed in. They had us back her up for the next jump but I threw the dummy way too far! She swam part way to it, saw a ball floating, and brought that back instead. No problem. Threw that for the last toss. I think she hit between 10-15 feet, which I think is pretty darn good for a pair of rookies.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBVGBgpCrJk&w=420&h=315]


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