New Beginnings

Many of you already know our latest news. Over the weekend we added this adorable guy to the family.


I wasn’t actively looking to add a pup yet. I knew one would be coming eventually just… not yet. It didn’t feel like the right time, for multiple reasons. Even though my plan was to wait until spring and a breeding I knew was in the works, I did look into this litter when I heard about it. I’ve always liked Killi ever since the first time I saw Becky working him as a young dog. There’s just something about him.


In any case, we all know what they say about plans, right?


A couple weeks ago I received an email that changed mine. There were two Killi boys available yet, did I want to come and see them? Yes! But no. But Yes!! But…


So I went. For some reason or another, the Sad came with me. I don’t mind road trips. Solo road trips give me far too much time in my own head though, and that’s generally not a good thing. I’m not always the best company for myself. And, honestly, as I sat on the kitchen floor trying to make up my mind between the brothers, even though I was pretty sure I liked the blue, I felt the Sad creeping up again. I doubted my readiness to give another piece of my heart. I almost said no to both.


Then the little blue boy picked up a toy, brought it over, and climbed in my lap. His brother came over to steal the toy. The blue boy went to get another, brought it over, and climbed into my lap. My decision was made.


The Sad beat me up on the way home. I can’t for the life of me figure out why. Guess I just have to accept the fact I’m still a wee bit emotionally unstable. The as-of-that-moment unnamed blue boy rode pretty well. He’d break into song about every hour and we’d have a talk about what a pretty song it was. I tried out several names on him during the ride until he finally told me they were all wrong — (Not as wrong as Lucky Wilbur, however. Inside joke.) — and told me who he was.


And so I officially introduce Finn, Starstuff For My Heart’s Sake, who has settled in as though he’s always been here, the beginning of a new journey.


“It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are.”
~author unknown

  • Sharon Matusinec

    12/10/2019at1:15 pm Reply

    I am so happy that he perservered and won your heart. I can’t imagine turning away from the blued eyed boy with a toy in his mouth. He knew!

  • Pingback:Following the Heart - Shadowdance Aussies

    12/09/2020at3:08 pm Reply

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